Unfortunately I received an earlier revision of the CD-ROM so the review copy did not contain the Cyberlink program to test the Elgato Video Capture using a Windows machine. Inside we find the Elgato Video Capture device, Elgato Video Capture CD-ROMs, composite to SCART adaptor, Composite Video/RCA stereo cable and proof of purchase key. The Elgato Video Capture comes in the familiar looking white cardboard Elgato branded box.
This program works with the Elgato device and offers many features found in the Elgato Video Capture Software. Recently Elgato added Cyberlink PowerDirector 8 Capture Edition Software for Windows users to take advantage of the device. The Elgato Video Capture uses the connected computer’s hardware for encoding, so a powerful machine is definitely preferable. Video is captured in real time thus eliminating the need to re-encoding.
This device allows the transfer and conversion of most any analog source into a digital format. It is a USB based device that allows the capture of analog signals via the included cable connections. But what about us folks that still have precious memories tied to analog media? Elgato the company renowned for their TV software, TV tuners and capture devices has released the Elgato Video Capture. Analog technology is going the way of the Dodo, eight track and Betamax slowly drifting to technologic extinction.